Strategies for Sticking to your New Year’s Resolution

Hi everyone! We’re almost a week into the new year and I wanted to share with you all an article I found that offers 10 strategies for making your New Year’s resolution stick. Check it out here!

How are you all doing with your resolutions? Going strong, I hope! 🙂 Let us know in the comments below if you have any additional tips/strategies you’d like to share!

⭐ Alissa

A New Year: Time to Let Go

I’m not going to get into all of those cheesy sayings that are said on or around New Years. However, I will say, “Let go!”

Let go of anger, let go of regrets, let go of the past, and let go let go let go! If you don’t let go, it’s like my mom says, “It’s like you drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.”

I found an amazing article to compliment my entry today.

Even though January 1 is just another day on the calendar, many people find it to be a good “reset” point in their lives. Now’s a good of a time as any, right?

Do it 🙂

Happy New Year! Be safe! Have a designated driver, take a cab/subway, or stay the night if you’re in a safe place. Love you all!

❤ Beckie

Seattle New Years Eve 2011